The first thing I hear from new clients is….

I don’t even know where to start


Tips for Emotional Recovery

When You Get Blindsided

A. P. P. O. A. C. H.

A - Acknowledge you have an emotional response

P - Perceive the emotion and be aware that it may stem from fear, not what you feel you are experiencing.


P - Process the emotion. Look at it objectively, almost as an object you can shift.


R - Realize that a previously trapped emotion is presently triggering you.


O - Optimize – Make the best of the situation by breathing through it, staying calm, and not reacting.


A - Allow yourself to be patient with yourself and others. Allow yourself to receive internal guidance and not external judgments.


C - Center yourself. Be grounded and confident with yourself and do the internal work so you respond, not react, to the situation.


H - Heal your mind, body, and soul. Allow yourself to make mistakes, honor your values, and trust yourself.


2022 All Rights Reserved, ~ Molly Anne Summers