Meet Molly Anne Summers

DECEMBER 27, 2023

Today, we’d like to introduce you to Molly Anne Summers. Molly Anne was introduced to us by the brilliant and talented CONNIE COSTA.

Molly Anne, thank you so much for joining us today. We’d love for you to bring our readers up to speed – can you introduce yourself and share your story?
In August of 2009, I was in a serious truck accident, and it was a wake-up call. While my life may have looked perfect on the surface, I was experiencing domestic violence. My ex was extremely emotionally abusive and violent. He was on active-duty Military.

Being an abused military wife is very, very lonely. Had I called the police, it would have been his word against mine. Second, if I reported him, he perhaps would have lost his job and his future pension. So, I told myself the story that staying with him was for the better. I didn’t want to lose financial security and stability. I didn’t know who would believe me anyway. Also, his job required him to travel a lot, so I thought I’d manage. What I wasn’t paying attention to was how I was suppressing my voice in all matters.

My husband retired from the military in 2008. In 2009 we moved back to California. It was during the move to California from Wisconsin that my life would change forever.

The moment it hit that I had to be brave and make a change, that I had to leave my marriage, was when we were moving from Wisconsin to California. My son and I survived a serious truck accident. My son who was 14 at the time and I were thrown so far up the embankment that you couldn’t even see the car from the highway. While we were going through the air, I wasn’t reliving all the events in my life, beyond understanding how much time I had wasted, living for reasons that didn’t matter.

I want to mention that, not only were my son and I not injured, but we did also not have a scratch on us! Keep in mind, that our car was totaled beyond recognition. The contents of the car had been thrown out and scattered throughout the field. The ambulance driver who helped us had already called us in DOA. In fact, he almost passed out when he looked in the car window and saw we were alive!

I realized that I had survived and that I had to do something with my life. I needed to be brave and have real faith in God’s message.

I realized that if I did not leave the marriage, I could be seriously hurt. I realized I was setting a poor example for my sons, and I realized I was allowing myself to sacrifice my value.

Yes, there were challenges. This is where I was tested. I was financially strapped; I was scared, and I had moments of loneliness. You know, the best part is… when I stopped and heard God’s message; When I trusted and valued myself enough to divorce and to get a life coach, the amazing Connie Costa, I discovered why I am here. I am a survivor. I am here to show you by example, that taking risks and investing in life coaching gives you: direction and healing.

Why do I do what I do?

I want others to experience the dynamic life and have the sense of direction I now have!!

I want to “pay it forward” and change lives!

I had Connie Costa as a Life Coach and the experience changed my life. I received a sense of direction, a sense of identity, and clarity on who I am and where I am meant to be.

It took time and training to become a Life Coach. My life experiences are a major aspect and influence that led me to become the Life Coach I am today.

Let’s talk about your work and career – what else should we know?
My Life Coaching and Healing Practice, Summers for Direction and Healing, focuses on working with people who are “Starting Over.” We are “Starting Over” throughout our lives—we Graduate College. We start new jobs, and we retire. We get married and sometimes divorce. We have children, then become empty nesters. I guide my clients and help them understand starting over in life is part of the journey. I offer clear steps to re-discover your true self and what matters to you. You can have a sense of direction and healing. My clients understand that it is time to appreciate themselves and quit living according to others’ values. It is time you see where trapped emotions trigger you. It is time to be your authentic self with everyone in your life I have taken many women from estranged relationships with their adult children to have mutual respect with their adult children and honor one another as individuals. I have given recent college graduates a sense of direction. I have worked with many retired professionals and helped them see they are so much more than “what they do.” In my practice, I discovered that there are many trapped emotions that you can’t release. I have advanced Certification in Epigenetic Energy Healing. For those that I find out have trapped inherited emotions that they need to release. I work with them through Epigenetic Energy Healing. What is Epigenetic Energy Healing? Our DNA is set in stone; Epigenetics piggyback on our genes, and your gene expression can be changed. If someone in your heritage experienced extreme trauma or had an addiction, you could have a tag attached to your genes that makes it more likely for you to be triggered by things. Do you have an unexplained fear of Bees? Perhaps someone in your heritage was stung by a bee, was allergic to it, and died. I find my clients repeat patterns that do not serve them, and they don’t know why they cannot stop. For example, I have clients who are overweight and continue to self-sabotage themselves by overeating. It is not uncommon that they have inherited a fear of food scarcity, maybe passed to them from prior generations that lived during the Depression era, the famine, or the Holocaust I’d love for the Voyage LA readers to know that Summers for Direction and Healing is genuinely here to support you. You will receive customized coaching from someone with much experience and understanding. You will feel heard and valued.

CONNIE COSTA has been a great friend to us and I know you’ve got a great relationship as well. Maybe you can tell our audience a bit about CONNIE and your experience with them.
I first met Connie Costa soon after my divorce from a 27-year marriage. I have said many times meeting Connie changed the direction of my life. She truly is one of the most beautiful people.

Connie has a coaching style that is very individualized. She really focuses on you recognizing your value. Connie pays attention to your aspirations and guides you. She knew I wanted to be a coach and offered individual and group classes on “starting your own coaching practice.”

I learned so much from Connie Costa about recognizing my values and what really matters to me. She taught me, and I have paid it forward, that until you honor what matters to you and become your authentic self, you are not offering anyone clarity on who they are in a relationship with.

Connie helps you understand your vision and guides you to achieving it. Connie has offered excellent speakers in her classes. She provides many tools for self-discovery. In her group programs, she encourages sharing and understands that although she facilitates the classes, communication between all of us is a rewarding and growing experience.

Connie Costa moved to Sicily a couple of years ago. She returns to California several times a year to continue her fantastic coaching! She does this even though she has a thriving business offering Exclusive Sicily Tours!

Yes, Connie is very highly regarded as one of the best people in the world to have a custom-designed tour for you! Connie loves Sicily and has so much knowledge of the city! She knows every popular place, nook, and cranny that makes the experience so memorable! She also has “cooking” tours, and you will experience the best food that you can imagine! When you have Connie orchestrate a tour for you, it is more than a “tour”; it is a warm, inviting, memorable experience.

I feel the day I met Connie Costa will always be a day I will treasure forever.

Website: www.directionandhealingwithMollyAnne

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/272995147347944

“Race, gender, religion, sexuality, we are all people, and that’s it. We’re all people. We’re all equal.” ~ Connor Franta